4 Prenatal Yoga Poses To Do Throughout Pregnancy

The journey of pregnancy is one that requires dedicated support for your body, mind, and the miracle growing inside. Everyone's experience is different and what you find you need can take time. However, bringing in movement as part of your daily routine can make the world of difference in preparing the body for childbirth. 

To make it easy, I’ve chosen my 4 favorite yoga poses to do daily throughout your entire pregnancy journey. Always talk to your birth team before starting anything new.

Props you’ll need: blocks, a supportive pillow/bolster, rolled up blanket. Optional: an exercise ball. 

Supported Seated Cat Cows

This is one of my favorite asanas for opening up the pelvic floor, releasing the psoas muscles, and connecting to breath. 

  1. Begin sitting cross-legged on a supportive pillow or bolster this pose can also be done on an exercise ball. For a more grounded sensation, plant the palms downright on your knees or bring your baby into the flow by bringing your hands onto your belly. 

  2. Inhale, roll forward on your pelvis, open up the chest allowing for a small arch in your back. 

  3. Excel, tucking the pelvis and gently rolling the belly inward. 

  4. Do this about 4-8 times. 

Warrior 2

Use this pose to connect with the birth warrior within you! Feel your strength rooting through the earth and your gaze open to the beautiful journey you’re on. This pose also helps to open up the hips and strengthens stability through the legs. 

  1. Begin in Tadasana (standing at the top of your mat), step either foot back, turn toes out  slightly on the back of your mat.

  2. Align the inside of the back foot so it’s in line with the front heel.

  3. Open your hips to face the front rolling the pelvis forward.

  4. Arms are outstretched to be parallel to the floor, with palms facing down or open.

  5. Bend the front knee, bend deeper and keep the knee right over the ankle.

  6. Extend your gaze out over your outstretched fingertips. 

  7. Repeat on the other side.

Supported Wide-Legged Forward Fold Twist

This is a great asana for stretching the hamstrings and calves. Especially if you’re experiencing sciatica pain. It's also a helpful posture for helping baby find an optimal position by opening the hips and creating some gravity while simultaneously relaxing the upper body and opening the heart.  

* Note: if you are feeling any lightheadedness come back to stand.

  1. Grab your block.

  2. Open the feet wide with toes facing forward and place the block on the ground in front of you.

  3. Widen the stance to make space for baby.

  4. Offer a microbend in your knees — If hamstrings are tight deepen the bend. 

  5. Place both hands on the block and straighten the spine allowing the hips to roll back (think downward dog). 

  6. Place your right hand on the block and open the heart towards the left, extending the left hand up towards the sky. 

  7. Extend through the fingertips. 

  8. Do this on each said about 3 times .

Supported Malasana Squat

There's a couple ways to support your body while in this deep pelvis opener. One is to place a block under your seat and sit back opening up the knees. Another is to roll up a blanket or a towel and place it under your feet with the toes facing forward. Read this helpful article to dive deeper into how this pose can support your body in preparation for birth. 

  1. Start standing and rotate your toes out about 45 degrees.

  2. Bend your knees and lower your seat (place block under seat or towel under feet).

  3. Once you feel comfortable let your pelvis sink toward the floor and lift your chest opening the heart.

  4. Use your elbows on the inside of your knees to push your knees out. 

  5. Bring your hands to prayer at your heart. 

  6. Close the eyes. 

  7. Breath deep.

If you’re craving bringing movement into your pregnancy journey, my at-home prenatal yoga course Through The Trimesters can be a helpful companion for daily movement. I created this course while I too moved through the pregnancy journey. The classes are designed to support you in each trimester through gentle alignment-based flows. Helping to deepen your connection to your pregnancy, your changing body, and help in soothing pregnancy discomforts. 

Courtney Jay Higgins

Courtney Jay is the founder and guide of Coincide - the on-demand yoga and lifestyle platform rooted in the belief that our bodies hold intrinsic wisdom to Mother Earth. As a certified Prenatal Yoga instructor, Courtney is also passionate about feminine wisdom and women's health. She's a local mom in Evergreen, Colorado, where she hosts circles and retreats at her at-home yoga studio. 

Whether you're on a pregnancy journey, in postpartum, or simply seeking to bring more movement into your life, Coincide offers a landing place to connect with yourself in the comfort of your own home.

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